Informative workshop for gas station owners in Rethymnon

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The workshop in Rethymnon was held with great success in informing gas station owners about service stations under construction and service stations less than 30 meters from public gathering areas, according to Law 4439/16 & Law 4530/18. 

The event was organized by the Crete Gasoline Dealers Association of Greece, under the auspices of the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Gas Fuel Dealers.

The President Mr. G. Asmatoglou attended the conference, as well as the General Director of POPEK Mr. D. Makrivelios, the Presidents and the Boards of Directors of gasoline-powered associations of the counties of Crete, responsible for the Crete Transport Directorates and a large number of gas station owners.

Ministry of Transport spokesman Mr. Elias Passios briefed the Ministry of Transport on the facts of the legislation.

Mr. Panagiotis Karanassios, consultant engineer of POPEK, briefed the service providers on developments in legislation and how the new requirements of the law should be addressed.

The companies (ATEKE, ELVIS, SPYRIDIS) informed the gas service providers about the equipment which is required to be installed at service stations, in compliance with the new legislation.

Finally, Mr. Dimitris Makrivelios stressed that it is imperative to inform all gas station operators through the POPEK site, as continuous updating is now essential for their survival.